Wow, that's quite the cover. I know I'll be heading over to pick up this free book today. Well, lets jump on in and find out a little bit more about you.
What is the name of your latest book, and if you had to summarize it what would you say?
The Angel’s Assassin is a historical romance set in 11th Century England. It’s an exploration of the anti-hero and whether or not love can change him. It looks briefly at some of the events in history at the time but at its heart, it’s the connection between my hero and heroine that drives the story.
What genre would you place your books into?
I write historical romances, or more specifically medieval romances. Haven’t tried Regency or anything else yet!
What made you decide to write that genre of book?
I’m not sure when it happened but I developed a great love for reading medieval romances in the past few years. I love all romances but medieval always stuck with me. I think generally it’s because the blend action with romance and I adore history. When I finally sat down to write, it seemed the most natural thing for me to do.
Do you have a favourite out of the books you have written? If so why is it your favourite?
The Crimson Castle was my first, and most successful, book to date. Honestly if I wrote it again, I’d do a lot different but I think it will always hold a special place in my heart. My writing has developed since then and I believed it was going to be my one and only book so I tried to cram a lot into it. That said, there are still bits that I read back to myself and just love. The dialogue between Gabriel and Evelyn still gets me sometimes and I struggle to remember that it was me who actually wrote it!
Do you have a favourite character from your books? Why are they your favourite?
Currently Nicholas from The Angel’s Assassin is my favourite. I tend to fall in love with my heroes and I enjoyed creating his journey from bad to good. However, I’m sure it won’t be long until he’s replaced in my heart by my latest hero from the next book I’m writing.
Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?
Trying to balance the marketing side of things with the writing side! I still haven’t perfected it. Today I spent about 4 hours answering emails and writing blog posts and about 45 minutes actually writing. Things have been a little hectic recently as I’m just finishing up a blog tour but I hope to get into a better routine of things and get back to what I really enjoy (writing books!) soon.
If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would you like to see play the role of you and why?
I grew up being told I was like Lisa Kudrow as Phoebe from friends - I’m blonde and I guess we look a little alike (though she’s a good deal older than me!). I can come across as quite buoyant and I think people mistake that for ditsiness but those that know me will know I’m quite a control freak and can be fairly serious at times. I’m not sure I’d like her to play me though, as much as I love her as an actress. Sienna Miller is my girl crush; she has the most gorgeous ‘girl next door’ beauty, so I’d be quite happy for her to play me!
What piece of advice would you give to a new writer?
I answer this question a lot and my advice changes frequently as I’m still forever learning new things but very basically, keep writing, ignore what others are doing and don’t compare yourself to them. Also become friends with other authors - the vast majority of them will bend over backwards to help and I’ve learned a lot from them.
Would you share a deep dark secret about you with us?
I’m terrible about keeping secrets (my own that is!). I’m a little too forthright at times and everything tends to come out so I don’t think I have any. It’s a bit sad really, I’d quite like a deep, dark secret.
Samantha Holt is the author of several medieval romances including the bestseller, The Crimson Castle, and a series of historical erotic shorts. She lives in Warwickshire, England with her twin girls and occasionally her husband, who works abroad. She credits her ability to write about romance to his long absences! You can follow Samantha on Facebook for new releases, free stories and giveaways. http://www.facebook.com/romanticfiction
Her latest book, The Angel’s Assassin, is available to download for free on Amazon on the 31st October - 1st November.
As a rebellion sweeps England, Lady Annabel finds her home overrun by rebels. Much to her relief, a dark knight comes to her rescue, claiming to have been sent to protect her by her uncle.
But Nicholas holds a secret about the job he was sent to do and it is a far cry from what Annabel believes it to be. As the attraction between them grows, Nicholas begins to question the dark life he has lived. But is it enough to change him and will Annabel ever trust again after learning the true nature of his sinful duty?