I’ll start by saying, NO I’m not having a baby…two-legged one that is. I’m looking for a kitten. Right now my hubby and I have an Alaskan Malamute, a Bichon Shizu, and Mandarin who is a
Bengal cat. Does anyone out there have a Bengal? It goes without saying that I LOVE all my animals, but I have to say Mandy (short for Mandarin) is the most unlovable cat I’ve ever known. We love her to death, but I can honestly say I have never heard her purr…not ever.
We can’t pick her up unless we sneak up on her and grab her. Needless to say she’s never happy when we do that. She cries like we are pulling her nails out. When she does want affection she’ll come to us but only close enough for us to scratch her cheeks. She’s so funny. Occasionally if she’s cold at night she’ll jump on the bed, and scratch at the covers. I’ll lift up the blankets and she’ll crawl under and sleep on my tummy. That’s the most loveable she ever gets. She doesn’t stay for long, basically only as long as I pet her cheeks. If I stop she leaves.
Mandarin loves Daisy, who is the Bichon Shizu. Mandy will groom Daisy all day long. It’s very cute to watch. I’m glad she likes something, and Daisy is so tolerant with her.
Any way, I have always had a cat in my life. Catz was with me for twenty-four years before she passed away, and Duma after Catz only lived for four and a half years dying with cancer. Both of them were affectionate, not overly, but would come for hugs and I could pick them up and carry them around. My point is that I miss that, so I decided to get another cat. Of course I still love Mandy and that will never change.
I had special criteria for getting another cat. Kind of like a rescue. Yesterday, I found a lady who bought a house on a farm and unbeknownst to her, the large garage came with two pregnant female strays. I fell in love with one of them, but the problem is that the kitten is only four weeks old and I didn’t know how to tell if she was male or female. I want a female so for now I’m calling her a she. My issue is that I’m worried she won’t be lovable? Perhaps I’m being paranoid. This week I will pick up all the little kitties and have a vet let me know if they are males or females.
Of course I link everything back to writing and about a year and a half ago I had a dream and in this dream I dreamt of a little pure black creature. It was adorable. In my dream it was named Mawgraw. But I don’t want to use that name for my new kitten. Mawgraw will be in one of my upcoming novels J I hope because I had this dream that this little kitten is meant to be with me <fingers crossed>.
I could use some help with names. Please shout them out. She is a little black kitten with a tiny tiny spot of white on her chest.
Also, I would love to know if anyone out there also has a Bengal cat. Is it typical for them to be so wild like? I think it might be.
I’ll do another blog post next week with an update and photos.
I’d love to hear from everyone.