A couple weeks ago I blogged about having a new addition to my family, well, Pepper is her name and she’s already giving me inspiration to write.
I thought she would be black, but not so. The two little kittens that were black turned out to be males. I was looking for a female and that turned out to be the little grey one. She still pretty young, but is fitting in just fine with our family. To my surprise, Mandarin, our Bengal, is actually being friendly! Not just friendly to the kitten, but friendly to us humans as well! Nothing could have shocked us more.
We went camping to Peppers lake this past weekend. It’s our favorite lake. My husband thought Peppers would be her name. So we have a Pepper. She adorable, very sociable and she sleeps with us at night.
This morning I was up at 5:00 am and behold, guess who was at my feet! It was PURR-FECT! I smiled while I sat at my computer writing. Pepper chew on my toes which made me smile harder. It was a great writing morning thanks to Pepper.

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