According to native Indians, everyone has an animal spirit guide. The question is typically what animal?
A couple years ago while I was in Whistler, British Columbia, my husband and I popped into a local artist’s studio. Her beautiful sculptures were exquisite and totally captivated my attention. There was a large grizzly she had carved out of stone. It looked so life-like it was actually frightening.
As I chatted with her I told her that I frequently have dreams about a white grizzly bear and sometimes that grizzly seems to be crossed with a wolf of sorts. The dream terrifies me, and I’m always running away from the chilling creature.
She looked at me and said, “Perhaps the Grizzly is your animal totem?” I was fascinated while she explained that each person has an animal totem. Eventually the animal will let you know who they are. Her elders explained this to her when she was young. Like myself she’d always been terrified of bears. One day she explained that a bear revealed itself to her as her spirit totem or guide. She’d been canoeing along the river when a grizzly wandered out onto the gravel bar. She said the bear stood up on his hind legs and locked eyes with her. She knew at that moment the grizzly was her totem. She now no longer fears bears.
Personally I would have been petrified. She told me I’d have to wait for my animal totem to show himself. I wonder if I can have two totems. All my life I’ve had encounters with wolves, so maybe a wolf is my spirit guide.
It’s no surprise why I write novels, which always have an animal in them. They play such an important part in our lives. Maybe I’m still waiting to encounter my animal Totem.
So my question today is do you know what your animal totem is? Please share your story with me I can’t wait to read them.

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